MetaPhor™ Agarose is a high resolution agarose that challenges polyacrylamide. MetaPhor™ Agarose is an intermediate melting temperature (75°C) agarose with twice the resolution capabilities of the finest-sieving agarose products. For example, a 200 bp DNA fragment can be separated from a 204 bp fragment. Using fast running protocols DNA differing in size by 1% can be resolved in as little as 1.5 hours in a 20 cm long horizontal or vertical gel format. MetaPhor™ Agarose gels (2% to 4%) approximate the resolution of polyacrylamide gels (4% to 8%). These agarose gels are ideal for resolving AMPFLPs, STRs, and tri- and tetranucleotide repeats. Ideal for small PCR fragments, MetaPhor™ Agarose is the choice agarose for resolving hard to see bands.
Endotoxin and Pyrogen Testing Products
The next chapter in endotoxin testing... Let's write it together.